Eye Exam Testing

What does our Colorado Springs eye doctor check for?

doctor testing eyes of patient

Powers Eye Center provides thorough comprehensive eye examinations. Dr. Neil McAllister’s exam protocol usually includes the following steps:

Visual acuity is tested to measure vision without glasses or contacts and with existing vision correction.

Color vision is measured using electronically presented color targets to detect diseases of the eye or genetic weaknesses of color vision.

Wave Front (Hartmann Shack detector) refraction analysis provides a measurement of how uniformly light is focused into the eye. Not only does this provide a starting place for the doctor’s determination of eyeglass and contact lens prescriptions, but it also detects more complicated focusing errors that in the past have not been measureable. Powers Eye Center is one of very few offices in Colorado Springs that has this technology.

Complex focusing errors can be caused by Keratoconus, cataracts and many other conditions of the cornea and internal lens of the eye. Focusing power of the eye can vary with pupil size. This can cause difficulty with night driving vision. The measurements from our Wave Front refraction analysis empower our eye doctor to be able to address such problems by adjusting the prescription accordingly. Very complex focusing errors from keratoconus, post RK surgery, post Lasik surgery failures or other problems can be measured and now can be corrected using scleral contact lenses.

Retinal imaging is included as a standard part of an eye exam at our optometry office. Retinal imaging significantly improves our eye doctor’s view of the inside of a patient’s eye which facilitates much more effective detection of eye disease. Disease detection and diagnosis is often very dependent on eye changes over time. Having a photographic record of the appearance of the inside of the eye over time is far more accurate than if a doctor simply relies on written notes.

At Powers Eye Center, we have three retinal imaging systems. Retinal photography is included standard with all eye examinations. Wide field Optos retinal imaging that often provides the doctor with a superior peripheral view of the inside of the eye is also available for a low fee. In addition, we have a Heidelburg Spectralis Optical Coherence Tomographer for intra retinal examination for glaucoma, macular degeneration, plaquenil testing and diagnosis and management of other retinal and corneal diseases.

image of human eye on a computer screen

Visual field testing provides a means of detecting eye disease as well as diseases of the visual systems of the brain. Visual field testing is included as part of all comprehensive eye examinations at Powers Eye Center without additional charge. Eye alignment, movement and aiming are tested and measured using a variety of tests.

Measurements for eye glasses and contact lens prescriptions are performed by our eye doctor, not by a technician unlike many offices in Colorado Springs. The most common reason for seeking an eye examination is to see better. Because seeing clearly is so important and often linked to matters of eye health, our office does not delegate this important part of an eye examination to anyone less than our eye doctor.

Ready to schedule your routine eye exam in Colorado Springs? Call us today at 719-598-5068 to schedule an appointment or Schedule Online now!

Office Hours & Info

  • Monday
  • 7:00am - 5:30pm
  • Tuesday
  • 7:00am - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday
  • 7:00am - 5:30pm
  • Thursday
  • 7:00am - 5:30pm
  • Friday
  • 7:00am - 5:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Closed
  • Sunday
  • Closed

  • 6160 Tutt Blvd #220
  • Colorado Springs, CO 80923


Schedule an appointment at any time using our online scheduler or find directions and contact info for our office.